If you are a non-Rossmoor visitor attending the concert, we want your entry into Rossmoor to go smoothly. A couple of days prior to the concert, please send an email to and provide us with the name of the driver of the entering vehicle. We do not require the names of other passengers.
Directions / Contact Us The RCMS email address:
Directions from the Rossmoor Security Entry to:
Rossmoor Event Center, 1021 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94595
If you are a visitor attending the concert you will first need to go through Security at the Rossmoor Entry gates. The driver will be asked to show his/her driving license. Let the Security Guard know that you are attending a Chamber Music Society concert at the Event Center, or give your host’s name.
Continue straight on Rossmoor Parkway for about half a mile. At the 3rd stop sign turn right on Stanley Dollar Drive. Turn left at the first main entrance — a very short distance — into the parking lot. Go past the Event Center on your right to the parking lot at the rear of the building. There are two entrances to the building: The main entrance at the front, and an entry from the parking lot.
The Fireside Room, 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94595
Entrance to the gateway building complex. to get to The fireside room walk around the outside to the right and then turn left
If you are a visitor attending the concert you will first need to go through Security at the Rossmoor Entry gates. The driver will be asked to show his/her driving license. Let the Security Guard know that you are attending a Chamber Music Society concert at the Event Center, or give your host’s name.
After you leave the Security Gates move over to the far right lane. Take that first turn right onto Golden Rain Road. Very quickly you will see a LEFT turn into a large parking lot where you will park. BE CAREFUL at the turn into the parking lot. Make sure that you signal your turn. Oncoming drivers are supposed to stop as you will have Right of Way - unfortunately not everyone seems to “get” that!
To get to the Fireside Room walk to the right of the buildings in front of you, and then bear left, straight towards the Fireside Room. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you wish to make a donation to the Rossmoor Chamber Music Society (a 501(c)(3) non profit organization) you may do one of the following:
Online with credit card:
By check:
Mail to: Rossmoor Chamber Music Society, 1001 Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94595
Drop off your check to our Mailbox (under Chamber Music) in the Administrative Building. Checks may be made payable to Rossmoor Chamber Music Society or RCMS
If you want to be on our mailing list, or want to contact us, please complete the form below. Your information will not be shared with any other agencies.
Rossmoor Chamber Music Society
1001 Golden Rain Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94595